Guests and Visitors who desire to receive the Sacrament of the Altar are asked to speak with the pastor before the service. Members in good standing of other Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations are also asked to present themselves to the pastor or an elder before the start of the service.
At St. Paul’s, we confess that what is received at the altar is Jesus true Body and Blood in, with and under the bread and wine. The bread and wine are not just “symbols” but Jesus true body and true blood given us to eat and drink. At St. Paul’s, we follow the Scriptural and historic practice of Altar Fellowship (sometimes called Closed Communion). This means that those who have not been instructed in the Christian Faith, examined in their knowledge of the Catechism and Absolved of their sins are not able to receive the Lord’s Body and Blood with us. Because the Lord’s Supper is also a testimony to our unity in preaching and teaching the same doctrine, those who belong to churches which teach differently than St. Paul’s are not given the Sacrament. Our pastor is very open in discussing what is very often a misunderstood practice. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to speak with the pastor.
As a courtesy to fellow pastors who have instructed God’s people in the Christian Faith as laid out in the Small Catechism, we are happy to invite members of other Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod congregations to commune with us when they visit. Those doing so are asked to please announce their desire to commune to the pastor or an elder prior to the start of the service.
For those with medical concerns related to alcohol, wine diluted with water may be found at the center of the individual cup trays.